Goodbyes are So hard
How fitting that we are listening to the "Bad Day" song....Yes folks it is true. Kathy's last day at Nakamun is tomorrow. This is sad for many reasons, firstly, Kathy is a fun and funner person and is always a patient individual with any number of ridiculous antics. Secondly, she understands our anguish with the food much in fact that she (like us) never eats the actual meal being served. So the fact that she is leaving is a shot to our hearts that cannot be filled by any number of pancakes or bizarre jell-o desserts.
it's sad that you're leaving,
we're bad with good-byes
we'll cope by eating sausages
and engoring in fries.
You introduced subs,
which was a great feat
And I am sure that your bug spray
contains lots of DEET.
In a world full of showers
You were a bath,
Who is this woman?
Her name is Kath
Today was long and we are all very tired. I feel a hot tub party in the air. Due to the painting of the climbing wall (one side "acorn", One side "paprika" and the other side..."blue"-according to Rob) We have to take down all the rocks. This is no simple task. Luke constructed some crazy
and then he constructed this "seat" to sit on for me. SO i had this hunk of wood strapped to my butt and had to go over the top of the wall and unscrew the rocks. In one hour..i got three off. So then we ran activities for a couple hours and Anna decided to give it a whirl..and as I stood by...i heard rock after rock hit the ground.
And each hit to the ground was a hit to my self-esteem. That is Anna competing what I started.I felt so inadequate...and then I remembered Jeremiah 29:11. phewf.
Well team. that is all. keep it fun.
this was a funny quote from yesterday...
Girl on top of wall: wow..i am so high!
Michelle:Ya..i have been this high the whole time.
Girl on top of wall: it's scary
Michelle:'s fun being high.
I decided to beat Anna because she is better than me. yes this is so obviously staged. get over it.
In response Plompers, i know what "characters" means. I have used that phrase before in regards to many a psycho...and for them to not be "quite like me" at that "we work on commission and don't have mirrors in our change rooms" store of a tad insulting. I mentioned this to Don Kosman and he says your out and from now on he will only hire people from "Le Chateau" (he said it's a personal favorite). peace out homegirl.
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