baby got Nak

Friday, June 16, 2006

A visit to the Zoo

Well today seemed like just any ordinary rainy day to me. That meant a day jammed packed with us sitting in our cozy little office. On most occasions I think that we would have cracked and gone completely crazy, but we didn't. Well at least I want to believe that. We did however get quite a bit accomplished today. We finished the Gideon's New Testament sized Counselor Handbook today. I'm not really sure what else was accomplished, but that's because I was so focused on my task. I think we got some work done on scheduling and planning for the week when the counselors do finally get here. The only other excitement of the day was when Michelle dared me to eat some pudding. The pudding itself was fine, but the quantity might have been a bit overboard. When was all and said and done I had consumed more than 3 heaping giant-sized serving spoons full of it. I may never want to eat Caramel pudding ever again.

Well Luke, Kayleen and Michelle are all off again tonight and tomorrow, as they all have weddings to attend to. I must admit, I am a bit sad to be left alone (yes I will survive). So back to the title of this blog, "A visit to the Zoo", yes that is right, tonight I visited the zoo. Many of you are asking what Zoo? Does Barrhead have a zoo? is there a petting zoo where they keep the miniature horses? The answer to both questions is no! I was not a guest at this zoo, I was one of the animals. The Gym had sprung a leak and had flooded. Being the only staff member still here it fell upon my shoulders to mop it up. (Please don't mistake me, I'm in no way complaining about the work). As I spent the better part of an hour mopping, I had quite a few people come down and peer through the windows at me. Many of them staying for several minutes to watch this trained bear do a few tricks. Now I also realize that mopping isn't much of a trick and that you could probably train a monkey to do it just as well as a bear like me. I did however for a little while understand how animals at Zoos feel. To understand what it is like to be trapped in a room or cage with nothing more than a few windows or bars where guests may come and peer into a unnatural reality. As it also seems to fit my personality, I would like to take this time to announce my new camp name. For those of you who formerly knew me as RHNNNNN (or some version of that) it has now become BEAR! Yup, well that's all for now.



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