pardy pardy..this is pretty tardy
By Tardy I mean late of course...don't get all political on me. It has been forever I know...I really don't know what I would say about camp cause it has been so long and most weeks kind of mold together into one big camp experience.
This week Kayleen and Luke are gone to Nordegg for outrip. Initially I was quite perterbed and worried about this because it seems Luke is often the glue that holds this place together...but things have run smoothly...unlike the digestive systems of the majority of the staff. Our menu is so consistant it's like our bodies pull out all coping mechanisms whether that means letting it go...or holding it in...much like how we all deal with conflict.
Luke is getting married in a week which is pretty exciting. Speaking of staff relationships...two of our counsellors have taken the "plunge" (this would mean more to you if you knew who the girl was and how her camp name is from "finding nemo" which is about a fish....) and decided to take their feelings from the bottom and put them on top....(another reference...geez I am a riot).
Amy is a stellar nurse, Kris drives the boat like a boatdriver ought to and our counsellors are all fine specimans. We are all pretty tired though and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't glad that after this there are only three weeks. I am ready for not-camp.
I don't really know what else to say...sorry it has been so long. I hope this picture will make you smile as you think about what kinds of kids we get out here. If there is one thing I know it is that kids are friggin' great and if they didn't come out here I seriously wouldn't work out here....because my job wouldn't exist...go figure.

peace out rainbow trout!!